Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Morning Forest (reposted)

On mountain morn I watched the light
The sun arose with awesome flight
Across the snow, rays fell in lines
Creating trees that looked divine.

The sky was red, then turned to pinks
The fog did flirt with several winks
A line of green did peek and leave
A sight so rare, I now believe.

The bitter cold against my face
I longed return to warmer place
I sketched the sky and then the sun
Included trees and I was done.

Arriving home I warmed my hands
To paint the scene of lovely land
When I was done the painting showed
An early sun with beauty glowed.

(Painting and poem by dcrelief.)


  1. Hi Dixie,
    I've always loved that beautiful painting that captures the ambience of the setting, so vividly.
    And the accompanying poem is just the perfect touch.
    In peace and kindness, Gary :-)

  2. Dyche Designs~
    Thank you. I had a look at your web page; very beautiful artwork.

    Thank you for visiting.

  3. Hi Gary,

    Such a lovely comment, which I appreciate.

    The painting hangs in Allie's house. She's my neice and I noticed you 'met'.

    Have a good week.

  4. Yes, this is a very beautiful painting - and the poem wonderfully depicts the artist searching for the perfect scene to capture on canvas. What a delightful poet you are, Dixie. You are an artist of many talents!


  5. Hi M,

    In Pa., my neices took me up a mountain to see, "the pink forest," as they called it when they sun arose. It was amazing. I was breathless.

    M, I don't consider myself a poet; not really. I just have rhymes that pop off in my head (lol) and I go with them! Receiving this comment from you has me wondering: "If I took this seriously, could I be any good?"

    I think it must take great patience to develope line and verse; a patince for which I've no discipline to employ. I look at your Mom's and your work and I'm overwhelmed! Such incredible writings that touch my soul... thank you very much for sharing your own talents.



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